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Results for "keyword: "marriage""
A Prayer of Gratitude for Diversity in Marriage Hope Through the Ages, we are so grateful for the good news that many of the old walls and prejudices which have kept lovers apart have fallen by the wayside. Fact: Some 15.5 % of all new marria…
A Prayer to Celebrate Same-Sex Marriage Update June 26, 2015: This prayer was written in 2013 when the Supreme Court of the United States made a turning point ruling that the core provisions of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), a fe…
A Prayer to Celebrate the Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage in New York State On June 24, 2011, New York, home to 42,000 same-sex couples, became the sixth and by far the largest state to legalize same-sex marriage. This means the number of same-sex couples living in states a…
Happy Anniversary to the Thurmans Having just celebrated 48 years of marriage with Mary Ann, I was delighted to see Penelope Green's article in The New York Times about the fifty-year marriage of Buddhist scholar and activist Robert…
Ant, Meet Moon By Julia Li for KidSpirit's Storytelling and Narrative Issue. Author's Note: In the original Chang’E legend, Chang’E and her husband Houyi are immortals living in heaven. When the Jade Emp…
Rejoicing in More Positive Views of Homosexual Relationships We rejoice in small triumphs that signal positive changes in human relationships. Polls: Percentage of U.S. adults who considered homosexual relations morally acceptable in 2002: 38. Percentage w…
The Art of Being Wise Literary Wisdom What is the meaning of life? The great revelation . . . never did come. Instead there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark. — Virg…
New Love: A Short Shelf Life In this eye-opening article in The New York Times, Sonya Lyubomirsky reveals some shocking details and insights into marriage. American and European researchers found that the joys and pleasures of …
Treasuring the Love That Is Destined to Fail By Abigail Webster When I was younger and prompted to consider the concept of love, I imagined finding my one true love, someone I’d be able to share the rest of my life with. Yes, the concept …
For My Soulmate On my Twitter feed I've posted many quotes about the spiritual practice of love. Here are some of my favorites, which caress the intimacies, delights, and pleasures of lovers. I dedicate them to my …